30 de junho de 2011

Npc Quests - Localizações e Reward

Spoiler NPCs:
NPC Abubakar, Shamouti:
Deliver: 20 tentacles and 20 points of light.

NPC Agent K, Blastoise and Feraligatr Island (cabana, na parte de planta da ilha):
Deliver: 10 red scales and 10 streak tails.

NPC Angelina, Hamlin (norte):
Defeat: 150 electrodes and 300 voltorbs.

NPC Antoni, Magma:
Defeat: 150 donphans.
Reward: 185.625 experience points.

NPC Archer, Hamlin (esquerda, depois da ponte, na cidade):
Defeat: 60 hoppips and 15 sentrets.
Reward: 5.231,25 experience points.

NPC Arnold, Viridian:
Deliver: 8 iron bracelets.

NPC Ary the Great, Desert:
Deliver: 20 strange tails.

NPC Ashanti, Ascorbia:
Deliver: 15 strange bones.

NPC Barney, Fuchsia (Saffari):
Defeat: 90 nidoqueens and 90 nidokings.

NPC Bart, Ice Island:
Defeat: 60 piloswines and 150 swinubs.
Reward: 99.562,5 experience points.

NPC Bauer, Murcott:
Defeat: 300 forretress.

NPC Beanie, Saffron/ Vermilion:
Deliver: 20 plant foots.

NPC Beatrice, Skarmory Island:
Deliver: 15 dome fossil.
Reward: 220.000 dollars.

NPC Benjamin, Vermilion:
Defeat: 45 bellsprouts and 45 glooms.

NPC Bia, Saffron/ Vermilion:
Defeat: 30 tangelas, 30 victreebels and 30 vileplumes.

NPC Bob, Vermilion:
Deliver: 1 pot of lava.
Reward: 85 dollars.

NPC Bobby Z, Mandarin (Sul):
Defeat: 120 aipoms.
Reward: 54.000 experience points.

NPC Boniek, Lavender:
Defeat: 90 gengars, 60 haunters and 90 gastlys.
Reward: 162.000 experience points.

NPC Brendam, Fuchsia:
Deliver: 1 meowth coin and 10 wool balls.

NPC Brian May, Saffron:
Deliver: 15 strange rocks and 15 horn drills.
Reward:14.700 dollars.

NPC Buffalo Bill, Mandarin (Trovitopolis):
Deliver: 10 cow tails and 20 dog ears
Reward: 4.500 dollars. (14,2k???)

NPC Caesar, Butterfree Island:
Defeat: 300 charizards and 300 typhlosions.
Reward: 810.000 experience points.

NPC Carli, Cinnabar:
Defeat: 60 rattatas and 30 zubats.

NPC Centurion, Butwal:
Defeat: 60 lanturns and 60 octillerys.
Reward: 90.000 experience points.

NPC Charlette, Cinnabar:
Defeat: 60 ponytas and 30 vulpix.

NPC Cheese, Saffron:
Deliver: 20 psychic spoons and 35 linearly guided hypnoses.

NPC Claire, Cerulean:
Trade: nidoranma for nidoranfe.

NPC Cleston, Cerulean:
Defeat: 60 digletts, 60 sandshrews and 30 cubones.

NPC Curtis Jackson, Golden Arena Island:
Deliver: 15 giant bat wings.

NPC Deacon, Lavender:
Defeat: 60 golbats and 150 zubats.
Reward: 40.500 experience points.

NPC Delilah, Vermilion:
Defeat: 90 venusaurs, 60 ivysaurs and 60 bulbasaurs.
Reward: 162.000 experience points.

NPC Dj, Mandarin (Sul):
Deliver: 12 monkey paws.
Reward: 3.240 dollars.

NPC Doc Brown, Pewter (Museum):
Deliver: 5 combs 5 topknots.
Reward: 3.700 dollars.

NPC Dr. Raymond Stantz, Moro:
Defeat: 60 haunters and 60 gastlys.
Reward: 43.000 experience points.

NPC Dwayne, Moro:
Deliver: 10 strange things and 200 water pendants.

NPC Elektra, Power Plant:
Defeat: 90 electabuzzs and 90 elekids.
Reward: 141.750 experience points.

NPC Elisha, Hamlin:
Defeat: 60 ampharus, 60 flaffys and 60 mareeps.
Reward: 137.000 experience points. / 121.500 experience points. (?)

NPC Emmett, Power Plant:
Deliver: 15 electric rat tails and 15 sheep wools.

NPC Ethan, Mandarin (Sul):
Defeat: 15 venusaurs, 15 blastoises, 15 charizards, 15 gengars, 15 alakazams, 15 meganiums, 15 feraligatrs and 15 typhlosions.
Reward: 158.625 experience points.

NPC Face, Moro:
Defeat: 60 murkrows.
Reward: 40.000 experience points.

NPC Fiona, Cerulean:
Defeat: 30 snorlax.

NPC Franz, Golden Arena Island:
Defeat: 120 houndooms and 240 houndours.
Reward: 202.500 experience points.

NPC Fuhara, Shamouti:
Deliver: 5 microphones.
Reward: 2.200 dollars.

NPC Galadriel, Ponte entre Fuchsia e Lavender:
Deliver: 2 luck medallions and 5 wool balls.

NPC Gil-galad, Celadon/ Saffron:
Deliver: 15 mushrooms.

NPC Gregorio, Viridian:
Defeat: 10 pinsirs.
Reward: 5.062,5 experience points.

NPC Guere, Mandarin (Trovitopolis):
Deliver: 10 squirrel tails, 10 owl feathers and 10 small wings.

NPC Guma, Fuchsia:
Deliver: 8 pinsir horns.
Reward: 800 dollars. (2.2k ???)

NPC Haruo, Moro:
Deliver: 30 pieces of shell and 30 small shells.

NPC Hammond, Pewter/ Viridian:
Deliver: 12 bee stings.

NPC Hawk, Ilha ao norte de Pewter (Lance):
Defeat: 60 dragonites and 60 tyranitars.
Reward: 360.000 experience points.

NPC Hebert, Cerulean:
Defeat: 120 beedrills.

NPC Helena, Vermilion:
Deliver: 2 microphones.
Reward: 800 dollars.

NPC Honey, Fuchsia:
Deliver: 10 bull tails and 10 dodrio feathers.

NPC Hubby, Ponte entre Fuchsia e Lavender:
Deliver: 25 traces of ghosts.
Reward: 13.500 dollars.

NPC Ida, Cinnabar:
Deliver: 15 fire horse feet and and 10 fox tails.

NPC Jacqueline, Magma Island:
Defeat: 60 magbys and 60 magmars.
Reward: 94.500 experience points.

NPC Jake Sully, Power Plant:
Defeat: 90 blastoises, 60 wartortles and 60 squirtles.
Reward: 162.000 experience points.

NPC Jason, Feraligatr and Blastoise Island:
Deliver: 10 insect claws.

NPC Jeremy Clarkson, Cerulean:
Deliver: 20 pieces of diglett.

NPC Joshua, Cinnabar:
Defeat: 90 charizards, 60 charmeleons and 60 charmanders.
Reward: 162.000 experience points.

NPC Juan, Ascorbia:
Defeat: 30 houndooms and 30 houndours.
Reward: 43.875 experience points.

NPC Julie, Celadon:
Defeat: 60 pidgeys and 60 rattatas.

NPC Junior, Mandarin (Sul):
Deliver: 10 strange antennas and 15 plant foots.

NPC Justin, Viridian (norte):
Defeat: 60 caterpies, 60 weedles, 15 kakunas, 15 metapods, 3 butterfrees and 6 beedrills.

NPC Kathrin, Ice Island:
Deliver: 10 strange spikes, 10 ice bras and 10 seal tails.
Reward: 38.460 dollars.

NPC Keith R., Murcott:
Defeat: 300 ariados and 600 spinaraks.

NPC Kelly, Celadon:
Defeat: 3.000 magikarps.

NPC Lecy, Fuchsia:
Defeat: 150 tauros.

NPC Leny, Cerulean:
Deliver: 10 Farfetch'd sticks and 10 colored feathers.

NPC Leon, Mandarin (sul):
Deliver: 5 Gligar claws.

NPC Li Mu Bai, Butterfree Island:
Defeat: 300 feraligatrs and 300 blastoises
Reward: 810.000 experience points.

NPC Lil J, Cerulean:
Deliver: 10 electric tails and 10 magnets.

NPC Linda, Ascorbia:
Deliver: 25 strange flowers.

NPC Lumen, Coliseum:
Catch 15 pokemons de Kanto = 1,5k
Catch 30 pokemons de Kanto = 5k
Catch 45 pokemons de Kanto = 8k
Catch 60 pokemons de Kanto = 16k
Catch 80 pokemons de Kanto = 50k
Catch 100 pokemons de Kanto = 80k
Catch 115 pokemons de Kanto = 100k and Catcher Clothes
Catch 130 pokemons de Kanto = 400k and Mysterious Pokemon Egg (Box 4).

NPC Lumpy, Fuchsia (direita):
Deliver: 10 farfetch'd stick's.

NPC Magnum, Ascorbia:
Deliver: 15 yellow flowers.

NPC Marinetti, Celadon:
Defeat: 30 slowbros, 30 starmies and 30 wartortles.

NPC Merlow, Fuchsia (Saffari):
Deliver: 60 mr.mimes
Reward: 47.250 experience points.

NPC Mia, Viridian:
Deliver: 10 butterfly wings.

NPC Micaela, Blastoise and Feraligatr Island:
Deliver: 15 hot furs.
Reward: 6.000 dollars.

NPC Michelle, Golden Arena Island:
Deliver: 10 luck medallions.

NPC Mikey, Saffron:
Trade: gastly for abra.

NPC Miyagi, Magma:
Defeat: 150 magcargos and 300 slugmas.
Reward: 168.750 experience points.

NPC Moody, Fuchsia:
Deliver: 10 tongues and 10 kanga ears.

NPC Mr Anderson, Fuchsia (direita):
Defeat: 60 ekans.

NPC Nadia, Murcott:
Defeat: 150 heracross and 150 pinsirs.
Reward: 261.562,5 experience points.

NPC Nancy, Ascorbia:
Defeat: 60 geodudes and 30 skiplooms.
Reward: 18.000 experience points.

NPC Noah, Skarmory Island:
Defeat: 300 kabutos.

NPC Norah, Skarmory Island:
Deliver: 20 brach of stones.

NPC Norman, Shamouti:
Defeat: 90 kingdras.
Reward: 180.000 experience points.

NPC Officer Jenny, Vermilion:
Deliver: 15 bones.

NPC Officer T.J. Hooker, Murcott:
Deliver: 10 spider legs, 10 ladybug wings and 10 insect tails.

NPC Oprah, Mandarin:
Deliver: 15 rat tails and 15 red wings.

NPC Oscar, Pewter:
Deliver: 10 bird beaks and 30 red wings.

NPC Oslin, Cerulean:
Deliver: 5 belts of champion.

NPC Otto, Ascorbia:
Defeat: 60 hoppips and 15 pidgeys and 5 caterpies.

NPC Paul, Viridian:
Defeat: 90 rattatas and 45 zubats.

NPC Penny, Cerulean:
Deliver: 20 magikarp fins and 5 bitten apples.

NPC Penny Lane, Shamouti:
Defeat: 30 snorlaxs and 30 ursarings.
Reward: 120.000 experience points.

NPC Peta, Pallet:
Deliver: 35 slow tails.

NPC Peter, Pewter:
Defeat: 30 voltorbs, 30 magnemites, 3 electrodes and 3 magnetons.

NPC Prof. Henry Walton Jones, Fuchsia:
Deliver: 10 scythes.

NPC Rhys, Ice Island:
Deliver: 40 pots of lava.
Reward: 2.160 dollars.

NPC Ronald, Shamouti:
Deliver: 15 steel wings,

NPC Roxanne, Mandarin (Trovitopolis):
Defeat: 90 girafarigs, 90 xatus and 60 natus.
Reward: 137.000 experience points.

NPC Royce, Cinnabar:
Defeat: 90 magmars.
Reward: 111.375 experience points.

NPC Rudolph, Ice Island:
Deliver: 15 tusks, 15 gift bags and 15 cat ears.

NPC Sameer, Magma:
Deliver: 15 elephant feet and 15 lizard tails.

NPC Scott, Fuchsia:
Deliver: 5 spin machines, 5 kick machines and 5 punch machines.
Reward: 6.075 dollars.

NPC Shaun, New Ice Island:
Defeat: 60 jynx and 60 smochuns.
Reward: 87.750 experience points.

NPC Sheldon, Coliseum:
Catch: Kangaskhan, Scyther, Magmar, Electabuzz, Lapras, Jynx, Alakazam, Gengar, Dragonair, Muk and Tangela.
Reward: stone do elemento e boost stone quando pegar todos.

NPC Sid, Cinnabar:
Deliver: 20 fire tails and 30 giant pieces of fur.

NPC Sir Nigel, Ponte entre Fuchsia e Lavender:
Defeat: 60 alakazams, 60 hypnos and 60 persians.
Reward: 135.000 experience points.

NPC St. Pierre, Celadon:
Deliver: 30 gyarados tails and 500 magikarp fins.

NPC Stewie, Moro:
Deliver: 15 dark beaks.
Reward: 5.500 dollars.

NPC Stig, Hamlin:
Deliver: 20 helicopter leaves.

NPC Sucellus, Ponte entre Fuchsia e Lavender:
Defeat: 150 gyarados.
Reward: 202.500 experience points.

NPC Sue, Lavender:
Deliver: 20 miss traces.

NPC Taj Mahal Badalandabad, Magma Island:
Deliver: 5 magma feet and 20 fire ears.

NPC Tara, Viridian/ Pallet:
Deliver: 10 female ears and 10 male ears.

NPC The Tank, Vermilion:
Deliver: 20 plant tails.

NPC Timothy, Skarmory Island:
Defeat: 120 skarmorys and 150 fearows.
Reward: 280.000 experience points.

NPC Trall, Shamouti:
Deliver: 5 bear paws and 20 reindeer horns.
Reward: 10.400 gold.

NPC Tucker, Fuchsia (Saffari):
Defeat: 60 pinsirs.
Reward: 30.375 experience points.

NPC Tweety Pie,  Ice Island:
Deliver: 10 giant fins.
Reward: 5.400 dollars.

NPC Tyler, Shamouti:
Defeat: 150 hitmonlees, 150 hitmonchans and 150 Hitmontops.
Reward: 354. 375 experience points.

NPC Tyson, Viridian:
Deliver: 20 bulbs.
Reward: 7.920 dollars.

NPC Ulisses, Hamlin (esquerda, depois da ponte, na cidade):
Deliver: 30 sheep wools.

NPC Urijah, Butwal:
Deliver: 15 piece of corals and 15 small tails.

NPC Van Wilder, Shamouti:
Deliver: 10 slow tails.

NPC Vinni, Viridian:
Deliver: 10 rat tails and 10 bat wings.

NPC Vivian Ward, Cerulean:
Deliver: 15 bones and 15 armadillo claws.
Reward: 12.000 dollars.

NPC Walter, Pewter:
Defeat: 60 tentacruels, 60 golducks and 60 seadras.
Reward: 78.000 experience points.

NPC Watto, Fuchsia:
Deliver: 10 bug antennas and 2 bug venoms.

NPC Xavier, Cerulean:
Defeat: 60 golems, 60 rhydons, 60 marowaks and 60 sandslashs.
Reward: 222.750 experience points.

NPC Yuri, Butwal:
Defeat: 90 meganiuns, 60 chikoritas and 60 bayleefs.
Reward: 162.000 experience points.

NPC Yvette, Pewter:
Deliver: 20 seahorse tails, 5 psyduck mugs, 5 karate ducks and 5 giant rubys.

NPC Yvonne, Murcott:
Deliver: 10 scizor claws and 20 scythes.

NPC Zulu, Butterfree Island:
Defeat: 300 meganiums and 300 venusaurs.
Reward: 810.000 experience points.

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  1. na quest dos 200 water pendant e 10 strange things ganha 14.010 dls

  2. NPC Mia, Viridian:
    Deliver: 10 butterfly wings.
    Reward: 1.980 Dls

  3. Ariados
    19:04 Keith R.: Thank you! You earn 185625 points of experience.


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